
Hi, I'm Ocskó Nándor

I'm a Hungarian student with a passion for full-stack web development.

Welcome to my personal website!

I'm glad you're here! If you'd like, go ahead and check out the other pages on this website to learn more about me. Oh and here you can find some cards with even more information about me.

If you became interested in collaborating with me or just want to chat, feel free to contact me via email (top left corner).

My Github stats

Total number of commits I made:


Number of my public repositories:


Number of repositories I contributed to:


Number of stars I received:


My development machine is a...

2020 MacBook Air

To be specific it's the base model with the M1 chip. I travel a lot so I make great use of the battery life and all my dev tools run quite well on it.

Tools I use

For developing applications:

VS Code, IntelliJ Idea Professional, Rider

For deploying my finished products:

Docker, Nginx

For testing and integrating:

OpenAPI, Postman, Github Actions

My overall favorite web technology is...


I think modern .NET and C# is severely underrated and personally I've always had an amazing time developping and deploying .NET web applications with ASP.NET Core. Not to mention that its performance is nearly unparalleled.

A close second would be Laravel (especially with the TALL stack and Filament).

Designed and made by Ocskó Nándor using shadcn/ui and Next.js.